Tax Documents Drop-In

The Tax Documents Drop-In is a helpful and quick way to satisfy your electronic delivery responsibilities.

Rendering and Styling the Tax Documents Drop-In

Using an authenticated Client SDK, you can pass in your custom theme into the render command of the Tax Documents Drop-In.

        <title>My App</title>
        <!-- target parent node to render UI -->
        <div id="abound-ui-wrapper-2022"></div>
        <div id="abound-ui-wrapper-2021"></div>
        <script type="module">
            import { renderTaxDocuments } from "";

            // define your custom theme object
            const customTheme = {
                color: {
                    text: "#000000",
                    weight: "bold",

            // render drop-in component
               accessToken: "<<testAccessToken_v4>>",
               targetId: "abound-ui-wrapper-2022",
               theme: customTheme,
               year: "2022",

            // render drop-in component
               accessToken: "<<testAccessToken>>",
               targetId: "abound-ui-wrapper-2021",
               theme: customTheme,
               year: "2021",
import SwiftUI
import Abound

struct MyApp: App {
    public static func main() {
        Abound.accessToken = "<<testAccessToken_v4>>"

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

struct ContentView: View {
    private var theme = AboundThemeConfig( color: AboundThemeColor(text:"#000000", borderColor: "#AAAAAA"))
    private func onSuccess() {
        //do on success logic
    private func onError(error: TaxDocumentError) {
        //do on error logic
    var body: some View {
        Text("Tax Document")
        AboundTaxDocuments(year: '2022', theme: self.theme, onSuccess: self.onSuccess, onError: self.onError)

You should now see the stylized UI rendered in your app:


Rendering the Tax Documents Drop-In comes with the following properties:

accessToken (string, required)The user-specific accessToken.
targetId (string, required for js)The value of a node's id attribute where the UI will be rendered.
theme (object, optional)Override default styling definitions with your own brand's styling.
year (string, required)A parameter to filter Tax Documents for a specific tax year.