The Tax Documents Drop-In is a helpful and quick way to satisfy your electronic delivery responsibilities.

Rendering and Styling the Tax Documents Drop-In

Using an authenticated Client SDK, you can pass in your custom theme into the render command of the Tax Documents Drop-In.

2 <head>
3 <title>My App</title>
4 </head>
5 <body>
6 <!-- target parent node to render UI -->
7 <h2>2022</h2>
8 <div id="abound-ui-wrapper-2022"></div>
9 <h2>2021</h2>
10 <div id="abound-ui-wrapper-2021"></div>
12 <script type="module">
13 import { renderTaxDocuments } from "";
15 // define your custom theme object
16 const customTheme = {
17 color: {
18 text: "#000000",
19 weight: "bold",
20 },
21 };
23 // render drop-in component
24 renderTaxDocuments({
25 accessToken: "accessToken_sampleeyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2OTY5ODczNTcsImV4cCI6MTY5Njk4NzY1NywiYXVkIjoiYXBwSWRfc2FtcGxlcU5oVmNkWVFZVSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc2FuZGJveC1hcGkud2l0aGFib3VuZC5jb20vdjQiLCJzdWIiOiJ1c2VySWRfc2FtcGxlWEdNRm5oT3BlUiJ9.-NrPVQvsnM8vJouyuP5yeFGlYb1xGgR-gS3v87p5BQk",
26 targetId: "abound-ui-wrapper-2022",
27 theme: customTheme,
28 year: "2022",
29 });
31 // render drop-in component
32 renderTaxDocuments({
33 accessToken: "accessToken_testeyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBfaWQiOiJhcHBJZF90ZXN0NDhlN2VhYTMxNzVhNjYzNTRlMDA2MjY1NDJkMiIsImNyZWF0ZWRfdGltZXN0YW1wIjoxNjU1MDk2NDAwMDAwLCJlbnZpcm9ubWVudCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc2FuZGJveC1hcGkud2l0aGFib3VuZC5jb20vdjMiLCJleHBpcmF0aW9uX3RpbWVzdGFtcCI6MzI1MDM3MDE2MDAwMDAsInN0YXR1cyI6IkFjdGl2ZSIsInVzZXJfaWQiOiJ1c2VySWRfdGVzdDI0YjA1ZDc2MWZmNThiNTkzMWJkMDc3NzhjNjdiNGU4MThlNCIsImlhdCI6MTY1NTEzMDMxM30.BRfaQwmvAJv1K3802FxlWzkNt13yAEPQ75OlrT85rlE",
34 targetId: "abound-ui-wrapper-2021",
35 theme: customTheme,
36 year: "2021",
37 });
38 </script>
39 </body>

You should now see the stylized UI rendered in your app:


Rendering the Tax Documents Drop-In comes with the following properties:

accessToken (string, required)The user-specific accessToken.
targetId (string, required for js)The value of a node’s id attribute where the UI will be rendered.
theme (object, optional)Override default styling definitions with your own brand’s styling.
year (string, required)A parameter to filter Tax Documents for a specific tax year.

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