Sandbox Testing

Below are a list of test tin values you can use in the Sandbox environment to mimic real-world scenarios.

Simply pass the tin values below in a POST /tin-verification API call to experience the corresponding scenario. Webhooks fire for all status changes.

Test Scenarios

000000000Synchronous MATCH of an INDIVIDUALThis scenario will return a synchronous response with a status of MATCH and a tinType of INDIVIDUAL (i.e. SSN, ITIN).
111111111Synchronous MATCH of an BUSINESSThis scenario will return a synchronous response with a status of MATCH and a tinType of BUSINESS (i.e. EIN).
222222222Synchronous MATCH of an unknown tinTypeThis scenario will return a synchronous response with a status of MATCH and a missing tinType. Although rare, in this scenario we were unable to detect the tinType.
333333333Synchronous MISMATCHThis scenario will return a synchronous response with a status of MISMATCH.
444444444Asynchronous MATCH of an INDIVIDUALThis scenario will return a synchronous response with a status of PENDING. Shortly after the status will update to MATCH paired with a tinType of INDIVIDUAL and send a TIN_VERIFICATION_MATCH webhook.
555555555Asynchronous MATCH of an BUSINESSThis scenario will return a synchronous response with a status of PENDING. Shortly after the status will update to MATCH paired with a tinType of BUSINESS and send a TIN_VERIFICATION_MATCH webhook.
666666666Asynchronous MATCH of an unknown tinTypeThis scenario will return a synchronous response with a status of PENDING. Shortly after the status will update to MATCH and send a TIN_VERIFICATION_MATCH webhook.
777777777Asynchronous MISMATCHThis scenario will return a synchronous response with a status of PENDING. Shortly after the status will update to MISMATCH and send a TIN_VERIFICATION_MISMATCH webhook.
888888888Ever-living PENDINGAlthough not a real-world scenario, we provide this test value as a helpful way to test asynchronous cases without it immediately resolving to a MATCH or MISMATCH.

Any value other than the test values above will result in a MISMATCH.

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