September 2022

This month we made improvements to users and fully deprecated entity and state related tax fields from taxes and tax payments.

As a reminder, we will no longer be supporting State Quarterly Tax Payments.

This update will primarily impact the tax payments endpoint. Setting the entity of a payment to anything other than irs will no longer be supported.

This change also affects this tax calculation endpoint. The following fields will be deprecated:

On September 12th, 2022, Abound fully deprecated this product and remove the fields mentioned above.

If you have any questions or requests for additions to the API please contact us.

Breaking Changes

New Features/Improvements

  • Added documentation for Metadata
  • Added HTML entity validation logic to Users

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed taxClassification for POST Users
  • Empty string metadata values not allowed on POST Users
  • Increased business name character limit to 255 (see Users)
  • Fixed missing paymentMethodId issue for Tax Payments
  • Fixed TIN verification issue related to Users being stuck in a pending status